For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Volunteer Opportunities at Lexington Methodist
If you are interested in any of the opportunities below, or know of another area where the church can minister and serve, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. You can also contact the church office, or sign-up at the church.
Concession Stand Workers
To allow our band parents to see their kids perform, we are volunteering to work the LHS Band Boosters Concession Stand during halftime this football season. The home football schedule will be posted soon.
Children's Sunday School Teacher
We are in need of a teacher in our Children's Sunday School.
Media Team
This ministry ensures all media, sound and production happens each service.
Please contact Patrick Campbell if interested.
Please contact Patrick Campbell if interested.
Social Media Team
As we increase our social media presence, we need volunteers to keep this information up to date.
Please contact Patrick Campbell if interested.
Please contact Patrick Campbell if interested.